
Application Modernization Consulting

Transform Legacy Systems into Agile, Future-ready Solutions

In today's rapidly advancing digital age, outdated applications can hamper your business’s agility, scalability, and competitiveness. CloudCops is at the forefront of application modernization, guiding businesses as they transition from monolithic architectures to dynamic microservices and adopt the latest in system design. Our expertise ensures your applications are not just current, but also poised to evolve with future technological trends.

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Our Experience

The Imperative for Application Modernization

Harnessing Modern Technologies for Business Excellence

In an era of digital transformation, application modernization isn’t just about updating software – it’s about revolutionizing business operations, strategies, and customer experiences.

Determine Requirements

Changing Business Needs

As businesses evolve, their technology needs shift. Legacy applications might not have the flexibility or features to accommodate these changes, leading to inefficiencies.

Competitive Advantage

Modern applications, with their agility and scalability, can lead to quicker go-to-market strategies, enabling businesses to outpace competitors.

Cost Efficiency

Legacy systems often demand extensive maintenance, both in terms of manpower and resources. Modern systems, with their modular structures and cloud capabilities, can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Improved User Experience

Modernized applications can offer enhanced user experiences with more intuitive interfaces, faster response times, and seamless integrations with other platforms and tools.

Security and Compliance

Older applications might not align with the latest security standards or regulatory requirements. Modernization ensures that systems adhere to the latest best practices in cybersecurity and compliance mandates.


Embracing modern architectures like microservices prepares businesses for future technological advancements. It offers the flexibility to seamlessly adopt new technologies or scale as per demands.

Enhanced Scalability

Individual microservices can be scaled based on specific needs, ensuring efficient resource utilization without affecting other components.

Agile Deployments

Changes can be made to a single microservice without disturbing the entire application, promoting faster iterations and continuous deployment.

Seamless Integration

With a technology-agnostic approach, microservices can effortlessly integrate with a myriad of tools, platforms, and services, supporting a diverse tech stack.

Resilience and Recovery

Microservices offer enhanced fault tolerance. If one service fails, it doesn't necessarily impact the others. This ensures high availability and resilience, which are critical in today's 24/7 business environments.


By modernizing applications, businesses can stay at the forefront of technology, foster innovation, drive operational efficiencies, and carve a path to continued success in their respective industries.

Architecture Style

Traditional Applications

Monolithic: All components tightly intertwined

Modernized Applications

Microservices: Decoupled services that operate independently

Deployment Speed

Traditional Applications

Slower: Entire application needs redeployment

Modernized Applications

Faster: Independent service deployment without disturbing the whole ecosystem


Traditional Applications

Limited: Whole application scales together

Modernized Applications

Granular: Individual services scale based on their own demand

Integration Flexibility

Traditional Applications

Constrained: Challenges in integrating new tools or systems

Modernized Applications

Enhanced: Easily integrates with diverse tools, platforms, and services

Maintenance & Updates

Traditional Applications

Cumbersome: Any change affects the entire system

Modernized Applications

Agile: Isolated updates, with lesser dependencies, reduce risk

Fault Tolerance

Traditional Applications

Limited: One component failure might lead to entire system disruption

Modernized Applications

High: Independent services mean a fault in one rarely impacts others

Resource Efficiency

Traditional Applications

Often Inefficient: Resources might be under or over-utilized

Modernized Applications

Optimized: Resources are allocated per service needs, promoting efficiency

Security & Compliance

Traditional Applications

Patchy: Older standards, harder to enforce granular controls

Modernized Applications

Advanced: Modern security practices, easier to update and maintain compliance

Long-term Costs

Traditional Applications

High: Cumulative maintenance and updates can become expensive

Modernized Applications

Economical: Reduced maintenance, efficient resource usage, and cloud capabilities can lead to savings

Innovation Readiness

Traditional Applications

Rigid: Harder to adopt new technologies or practices

Modernized Applications

Dynamic: Designed to easily embrace and integrate with emerging technologies

Our Application Modernization Consulting Services

Paving the Way for Future-ready and Efficient Applications


Application Assessment & Blueprinting

Before diving into modernization, we carry out a thorough assessment of your current applications, understanding their architecture, dependencies, and the business processes they support. This helps us create a blueprint detailing the strategic approach to modernization tailored for each application.

Monolith to Microservices Transition

We guide your transition from monolithic systems to a microservices-based architecture, ensuring each service is granular, independent, and built around business capabilities. This transition enhances scalability and makes future changes more manageable.

Cloud-native Application Development

Leveraging modern cloud platforms and tools, we help you design and develop applications that are inherently scalable, resilient, and efficient. This ensures your applications are built to harness the full potential of the cloud environment, whether it's AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or any other platform.

Containerization & Orchestration

Using tools like Docker and Kubernetes, we aid in containerizing your applications, ensuring they're portable, scalable, and easily managed. Orchestrating these containers ensures optimal resource usage and seamless deployments.

API-first Design and Integration

An API-first approach ensures your applications are easily integrable and extensible. We assist in designing robust APIs that facilitate seamless interactions between your services, third-party applications, and any other system components.

DevOps & Continuous Integration/Deployment (CI/CD) Integration

Modern applications demand modern development and deployment practices. We help integrate DevOps principles and CI/CD pipelines to ensure rapid, reliable, and consistent application updates.

Legacy Data Migration

Transitioning to modern applications often requires data migration from legacy systems. We ensure this migration is smooth, retaining data integrity and ensuring compatibility with your new application structure.

Security & Compliance Checks

Modern applications come with new security challenges. We integrate the latest security best practices and ensure compliance with global standards, ensuring your applications are both secure and meet regulatory demands.

Performance Optimization

Even after modernizing, applications require regular checks to maintain optimal performance. We provide strategies and tools to monitor and optimize application performance continuously.

Training & Team Augmentation

Our services don't just stop at consulting and implementation. We provide comprehensive training to your team, ensuring they're well-equipped to manage and scale modernized applications. Where needed, we can also augment your team with experts in specific domains to ensure project success.

Post-modernization Support

Modernizing is a journey, not a destination. We offer continued support post-modernization, ensuring any challenges faced are promptly addressed, and your applications remain agile and efficient.

By engaging with our comprehensive Application Modernization Consulting Services, you're investing in a future where your applications are agile, efficient, scalable, and ready to meet the ever-evolving demands of the business landscape.

An Innovative Tech Stack Driving Your Success

At CloudCops, we consistently harness the latest Open Source and Cloud Native tools to deliver innovative, efficient, proven, cost-effective solutions. Dive into our advanced technology offerings.

Translated from German



Nils Haberland Group CIO, Managing director

Salih has been a key player in the engineering and implementation of our DevOps setup from its initial stages. His expertise in Infrastructure as Code and integration of Open Source Tools have been fundamental to constructing our cloud infrastructure and roll out methods. We have greatly changed our view on devops, increased control of changes on infrastructure and improved collaboration. His commitment to a GitOps and Cloud-Native mindset aligns with our corporate objectives, reinforcing our strategic direction. Additionally, he has been proactive in sharing his knowledge, greatly benefiting our team's development and cohesion.


Rolf Wendolsky CEO

Salih is a very efficient and versatile developer. He set up a new Kubernetes system in AWS for us. He also developed and deployed an application to automatically update the invoice and cost preview for us and our customers. Furthermore, he has been working very successfully for one of our customers for about a year now, especially for DevOps engineering activities.


Dilan Barzingi CEO

With Mr. Kayiplar, we have had a terrific colleague and partner working with our customer. His performance is and remains very professional. We want to maintain a long-term partnership and can recommend Mr. Kayiplar to other service providers and colleagues. We are very grateful for the great collaboration and look forward to further projects with Mr. Kayiplar.


Uwe Segschneider Manager

I have the pleasure of working closely with Salih on our Kubernetes infrastructure. Salih is one of the most talented DevOps engineer I have ever worked with. Salih combines technical expertise with an incredible passion for continuous integration, automation, and cloud infrastructure, and is grounded in the necessary GitOps mindset.

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We light the path through the tech maze and provide production-grade solutions. Embark on a journey that's not just seamless, but revolutionary. Navigate with us; lead with clarity.

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Salih Kayiplar | Founder & CEO


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